Sunday, November 25, 2012

Advent Wreath Devotional

Christmas is coming.  To mark the four Sundays before the celebration of Jesus' birth, we use an Advent wreath. Its circle shape has no beginning or end and reminds us of God's unending love. Its evergreen branches symbolize everlasting life. Four candles mark the four Sundays preceding Christmas.

In our Sunday School class this year, each family made an  Advent wreath from a birch-slice base drilled with four holes to secure four candles: The Candles of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.

Spruce sprigs, pinecones and berries completed the decorative centerpiece. Each family received a simple devotional to take along home with the wreath and use each week to prepare their hearts for the coming of God's Son. May this project bless you too.

The First Sunday in Advent, December 2nd: The Candle of Hope

One person lights one purple candle. Another person says: On this First Sunday of Advent, we light The Candle of Hope. God promised to send a Savior into the world. The people hoped he would be a king, someone to save them from their enemies.
Someone asks: What do you hope for this Christmas season?
Listen to each one’s answer. Then, all join in prayer: Come Lord Jesus, fill us with hope.
The Second Sunday in Advent, December 9th: The Candle of Love
One person lights the first and second purple candles. Another person says: On this Second Sunday of Advent, we light The Candles of Hope and Love. The Bible tells us “For God so loved the world that He sent his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life.
Someone asks: How can you show your love to someone this Christmas season?
Listen to each one’s answer. Then all pray: Come Lord Jesus, fill us with hope and love.
The Third Sunday in Advent, December 16th: The Candle of Joy
One person lights the two purple and one pink candles. Another person says: On this Third Sunday of Advent, we light The Candles of Hope, Love and Joy. On that first Christmas night two thousand years ago, angels appeared to shepherds in the field saying, “Don’t be afraid, I bring you Good News of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”
Another person asks: How can you bring someone joy this Christmas season?
Listen to each one’s reply. Then, all pray: Come Lord Jesus, fill us with hope, love and joy.
The Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 23rd: The Candle of Peace
One person lights all four candles. Another person says: On this Fourth Sunday of Advent, we light The Candles of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. During his ministry on earth, Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.”
Another person asks: How can you be a peacemaker?
Listen to each one’s reply. Then, all pray: Come Lord Jesus, fill us with hope, love, joy and peace.

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