Today I scored in my Sunday School research. I've had the sheet music for the Books of the Old Testament for months. But through YouTube, this young mom made the song come alive! Learning the song for our Sunday School program should now be a breeze.
Come. Sing Along:
Ge-ne-sis, Ex-o-dus, Lev-i-ti-cus.
Num-bers, Due-ter-on-o-my.
Josh-ua, Jud-ges, Ru-u-uth
1st and 2nd / Sam-uel.
1st Kings, 2nd Kings
1st and 2nd Chron-i-cles
Ez-ra, Ne-he-mi-i-ah.
Es-ther, Job, Psalm, Pro-o-verbs
Ec-cles-i-as-tes, Song of So-lo-mon.
I-sa-iah, Jer-e-mi-ah, La-men-ta-tions, E-zek-iel
Da-niel, Ho-se-a, Joel, A-mos, O-bad-i-ah.
Jo-nah, Mi-cah, Na-a-hum
Hab-ak-kuk, Ze-phan-i-i-ah.
Hag-ga-i, Zech-ar-i-ah
and the last book /